I hope everyone has been doing well. I always mean to post more on my blog but time really just seems to fly by. I've added a few new signs to the shop and a new handiwork, Lazy Susans. I've been so busy with family, grandkids, hubby working on teacher licensure tests and the shop I haven't posted. So here is a run down of what's new.
Signs, I've released a couple of new signs and restocked some that have sold out. I have 2 new signs in the shop Find Your Joy and I have no idea what I'm doing. I love both of these signs. Sometimes when life is not fun it's nice to have a reminder to find your joy. I actually have a Find Your Joy sign sitting on a truck in my living room with family pictures. It reminds me to find my joy and one of the ways I can do that is with family.I have no idea what I'm doing. I thought this made a perfect sign. Everyone feels this way once in a while. You just have to wing it sometimes and it usually will work out. Both signs come in different stain colors and can be found in my Etsy shop.I have restocked the weathered gray Dogs Welcome Humans Tolerated sign. I carved 2 of them and added a new stain color, briarsmoke. Both of these signs look lovely and make a wonderful gift for that special dog lover.
Lastly I have a completely new handiwork, Lazy Susan Turntable. This turntable is stained briarsmoke and has a flower painted milk white carved into the top. I've made 2 and kept 1 for myself. It sits on our kitchen table and I love it. I keep seasonings, napkins condiments or whatever else that night's dinner might need and it works wonderful. It's so fun too! I'll be adding another Lazy Susan with a different design in the next few weeks.I think that's all the new items, I almost forgot, I made little bunnies for Easter. I have 2 listed in the shop and they would make a lovely addition to a tiered tray. While I made them for Easter they are so cute and would look great any time of year!
Now I think that might be everything. I'm working on another Lazy Susan design and a few more signs. I have an idea for some fall tiered tray décor. Summer is almost here so less time will be spent in the shop during the week. I have my grandkids during the Summer and my days are filled with going to the library, the pool, the park and whatever else we can get into. I hope to have a schedule where I'm releasing a few new things every month. I never try to plan too much. I usually have lists, it's easier to cross things off a list then to plan what exactly to do each day.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Summer. I'll try to post more often with updates. If you would like to see what I'm up to you can check out the social media links below to see more frequent updates.
Best Wishes,
Milly Bean Handiworks
My Shop Millybeanhandiworks.com
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All of my signs are limited stock, if there is something you would like restocked or you have an idea please message me I would love to try and make it happen for you!
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